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Posted by CouchTuner 2016-Feb-1 | 10:50:00 AM

Description by couchtuner for The X-Files Season 5 Episode 13 : Victims of alien abductions are being killed which confounds those responsible for the alien conspiracy. They also have a problem on their hands when Alex Krycek returns to the U.S. from Russia. Maria Covarrubius tells them he has a boy with him that may be particularly problematic. Scully and Mulder meanwhile are at odds. Mulder no longer believes in the alien conspiracy theory convinced that it was all a hoax to hide government experiments. Scully believes the alien conspiracy to be true and visits Cassandra Spender who, like herself, was abducted and has an implant…

Watch It Here : The X-Files Season 5 Episode 13 Patient X


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