Watch Series Back to the Rafters Online Free

Watch TV Series Back to the Rafters Amazon Prime Online Free. Back to the Rafters Dave and Julie have created a new life in the country with youngest daughter Ruby.
As everyone comes together in Sydney to celebrate Dave and Julie’s 35th Anniversary, history repeats and circumstances force them all to cram into Ben’s two-bedroom home – once again packed to the-you-know-what. During the visit it becomes apparent that the older Rafter children are facing new challenges with Ben recently married to Cassie and hoping to start a family, Nathan trying to do it all as a single dad to Edward and Rachel living a secret life in New York. Granddad Ted struggles to find his place, Julie wrestles with the pain of being absent from the rest of the family, whilst Dave treasures his Buradeena easy lifestyle finding a new mate in his young employee, Paddo who shares his love of motocross racing.
Dave and Julie Rafter’s country-town happiness is brought sharply into question when the city reunion reveals crises in the lives of the rest of the family. What will this mean for Australia’s favourite Mum and Dad? Whether they are crammed under the same roof, or spread out across different cities, towns or countries, the same honesty, love and laughter bonds them all and we see that even as life moves on, family doesn’t.